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BoyMonday or Boys Boys Boys

16 February 2010

BoyMonday: boys can only be talked about once a week, for us it was Mondays.

I used to implement BoyMonday for one of my girlfriends. While I lived in Paris and even in Fresno, we spent many hours over videochat trying to analyze how friendships and relationships worked (and in part, that is how this blog came to be).  Why did we do the things we do, why did we react to that, why do we have these feelings or how do you make them go away?

I enforced BoyMonday because in truth, we were just talking about boys too much.  A lot of girls talk about boys too much.  I wasn’t annoyed that we were talking about boys, but the fact that it was only boys, when knowing we had a lot of others things we could talk about.  Sometimes we would be talking about something else, but then quickly tangent or make it relateable to a relationship we had with a boy.  So by capping boy talk, it made our conversations more well-rounded.  While our lives crave to find our significant other and to find love, our lives are also filled with friends, family, jobs, and things we like to do.  So with the first reason being our lives are more than just the opposite sex, here is the other big reason:

This is what girls do best:  When we like someone, we run in circles over analyzing our interactions and cannot stop thinking about them.  We dream of more ‘accidental’ meet ups, the next conversations, the anticipated hang-outs.  We love it, but we are dying inside wondering what you are thinking on the other side. As we try to process everything on our own, we eventually open up to our girlfriends.  We go to our girlfriends to confirm our likings, to encourage us to keep liking that special boy. But by going to our girlfriends, by talking about him out loud, we convince ourselves to like that boy even more.  If our girlfriends say it is ok, then it has to be ok.  But that makes me nervous, because we never know if the boy likes our girl.  : / And the uncertainty is still uncertainty.

I guess I have been in more situations where girl is trying to get over a guy and by still talking about it, it still feeds into the notion that there is hope.  Hope keeps girls running for a long time.  We never give it up until, really, you’re married.  Ok, that may seem a little scary jumping the gun a bit and may be slightly offensive, but girls do not just toss boys away so freely as they think they do.  I know I am being janky-Jen (think negative-Nancy) by not being hopeful or encouraging right now, but a staple of my life: realism.  So really,  bottom line: Don’t feed girls.

And before I leave the country for a couple of weeks, here is to K.Klopman.  We love our Boys Boys Boys!

One Comment leave one →
  1. 26 February 2010 10:25

    ah! i love this! and i discussed the same issue here:

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