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Missing In Action

15 December 2010

I have one excuse that could have been related to my lack of writing over the past eight months — I started dating a boy. Congratulations to me I suppose, since the mysteries of love and relationships seemed to be solved, for the time being. I should have had things to say about being in an actual relationship, but I had no words. One would think that the results would be different than not writing, but the need to write more. Maybe I got wrapped up in the excitement and bliss of it all, which is worth sharing to an extent, but still I couldn’t put words onto a page. What do you write about?  It makes me think that my blog was written in some form of bitter singleness, but I guess that’s not true considering many of us face relationship dilemmas every day. So I apologize that my blog has been empty for several months.

I cannot promise a full recovery of consistent blogging of new ideas and topics. I started this blog because I was holding a bunch of ideas and conversations in my head knowing that it would be worth discussing and just having them down on “paper.” I thought if my friends and I were talking about these things, then other people were probably talking about them too. But right now and eight months ago, I felt like I maxed out. I know there are more mysteries and problems of friendships and relationships, but as I have grown throughout the last couple of years, I am not dealing with as many of these issues anymore. My life was taken care of when I was in college and I had room to think about dating and love, but now that I’m a mid-twenysomething, I am not only trying to figure out my love life, but my life in general (it’s something they don’t warn you when you’re young or coming out of college). I know there are many other relationship topics that still linger out there, but there is a lot that I do not come in contact with, which is probably why I haven’t written about it. I do have a couple of ideas in this weathered brain, but if you have any ideas this season, please share. This blog may be less constricted to just relationships, but will be in transition of words of growth and understanding of who you want to be.

your friend, Jennifer

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